Commonwealth Youth Games 2015

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Ques: Where were Commonwealth Youth Games 2015 organized?

a. Pune, India
b. Glasgow, Scotland
c. Beijing, China
d. Apia, Samoa

Ans: d

Related facts:

  • The 2015 Commonwealth Youth Games were held in Apia, the capital of Samoa during 5-11 September, 2015.
  • 930 athletes aged 14-18 years were participated in 107 competitions in 9 games for 7 consecutive days.
  • Australia topped in the Competition with 24gold, 19 silver,and19bronzemedals total of 62 medals.
  • The top five countries in the medal table are as follows:
Sr.No. Country Gold Silver Bronze Total
1 Australia 24 19 19 62
2 South Africa 13 7 15 35
3 England 12 16 16 44
4 Malaysia 11 3 3 17
5 India 9 4 6 19
  • India’s 9 gold medal winners in the competition are as follows:

1. Tejaswin Shankar- high jump (men) – 2.14 m
2. Mohd Hadeesh – javelin throw (men) -79.29 m
3. Prachy Singh -Archery – (women’s recurve bow-personal)
4. Sasikumar Mukund -tennis (men’s singles)
5. Dhruthi Tatachar Venugopal -tennis (women’s singles)
6. Sasikumar Mukund & Dhruthi Tatachar Venugopal -tennis (mixed doubles)
7. Jamjang Deru – (56 kg weight class, male) – 237 kg
8. Deepak Lather -lifting (62 kg weight class, male) -258 kg
9. Prachy Singh and Thomas Pantelides -Archery (mixed doubles)

  • This competition covered 9 games; Swimming, Archery, Athletics, Rugby sevens, Boxing, Lawn Bowls, Squash, Tennis, and Weightlifting.
