Question – In which state is India’s first sanitary napkin free panchayat “Kumbalangi” located?
(a) Goa
(b) Kerala
(c) Andhra Pradesh
(d) Karnataka
Related facts—
- In January 2022, Kerala Governor Arif Mohammad Khan declared “Kumbalanghi” as the country’s first sanitary napkin free panchayat.
- This panchayat is located in Ernakulam district of Kerala.
- The move is part of Avalkayi initiative, implemented in Ernakulam parliamentary constituency in collaboration with HLL Academy of Management and Indian Oil Corporation’s ‘Thingal Scheme’.
- Under this initiative, women of 18 years of age and above were distributed menstrual cups and awareness programs were organized in the panchayat.
- It is worth mentioning that Kumbalanghi is also India’s first model (eco-friendly) tourism village.