World’s largest 3D-printed Reef

world's largest 3d printed reef

Question-World’s largest 3D-printed reef installed in which of the following island?
(d)Andaman and Nicobar
Related facts-

  • World’s largest 3D-printed reef has been installed in Maldives. It is a new technology-driven method to help the coral reefs to survive in a warm climate.
  • The artificial reef was submerged at Summer Island’s ‘Blue Lagoon’ (a sandy part of the lagoon) where to create a new coral reef ecosystem.
  • The next part was the most crucial: to transplant live coral within the artificial outgrowths.

Why it is required-

  • Bleaching poses the most danger threat to corals, which is plentiful in the Pacific Ocean.
  • 3D-printing technology hopes to provide safety for corals against threat like, increasing temperatures of water bodies and disposal of chemical wastes in oceans etc.
  • The imitation of Complexity of natural reef structures is done by this technology, so as to design artificial reefs that resemble those found in nature.
