Shrilal Shukla Smriti IFFCO Sahitya Samman

Ramdev Dhurandhar receives Shrilal Shukla Smriti IFFCO Sahitya Samman

Question: Which famous litterateur amonst the following was recently selected for the Shrilal Shukla Smriti IFFCO Sahitya samman for the year 2017?
(a) Shekhar Joshi
(b) Ramdev Dhurandhar
(c) Dr. Vishwanath Prasad Tripathi
(d) Mamta Kalia
Answer: (b)
Related facts:

  • On December 15, 2017, Mauritius’s famous litterateur Ramdev Dhurandhar was elected for the Shrilal Shukla Smriti IFFCO Sahitya Samman for the year 2017.
  • He will be given this award on January 31, 2018 at a ceremony held in New Delhi.
  • It is known that this award was started in 2011 in memory of Shrilal Shukla by IFFCO.
  • Under this award, the selected litterateur is given to a logo, citation and an amount of Rs. 11 lakhs.
  • This honor is given to a Hindi writer every year, whose works depict live descriptions of problems related to rural and agricultural life, aspirations and struggles.
  • So far, Vidya Sagar Nautiyal (year 2011), Shekhar Joshi (2012), Sanjeev (year 2013), Mithileswar (year 2014), Ashtabhuja Shukla (year 2015) and Kamalakant Tripathi (year 2016) have received this honor.
  • It is noteworthy that ‘Ramdev Dhurandhar’s famous novel’ Pathreela Sona ‘is published in six volumes.
  • In this epic novel, he has portrayed the struggling life-journey of his ancestors who came to Mauritius from India as farmers and laborers.


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