RBI will study the advantages of the block chain technology

भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक ने जून 2016 की वित्तीय स्थिरता रिपोर्ट जारी की

Question: What could be the maximum number of the RBI Deputy Governors?
(a) Two
(b) Four
(c) Three
(d) One
Ans. (b)
Related facts:

  • On 24 June 2016 Reserve Bank of India Deputy Governor H R Khan said the central bank may soon set up a committee to study the use of ‘Blockchain’ technology.
  • The study of Blockchain technology will be done in order to decentralized cashless economic system to stimulate the economy and create cashless economy by reducing the use of paper currency.
  • The Blockchain is seen as the main technical innovation of bitcoin. It acts as the proof of all transactions on the network. The blockchain consists of blocks that hold time stamped batches of valid transactions. Each block includes the hash of the prior block, linking the blocks together.
