Natural noise of the body helpful in detecting the cancer

Emerging technology to use body’s noise to detect cancer early

Question: Which of the following country’s scientists recently discovered the method of detecting the cancerin the early stages by natural noise of the body through the elastography technique?
(a) America
(b) Germany
(c) France
(d) Japan
Ans: (c)
Related facts

  • In June 2017, Stefan Catheline from the University of Lyon, France and other scientists discovered the method of detection of cancer of the body by the elastography technique and the diagnosis of diseases like liver and thyroid etc. in the early stages.
  • Elastography sometimes called the earthquake science of the human body is an emerging technique used to enhance the medical ultrasound image.
  • Through this, by measuring the elasticity of biological tissue such as cancer liver and thyroid, diseases etc. can be detected in early stages with high accuracy.
  • The elasticity of tissues in passive elastography techniques is measured byusing Shear waves from the body’s own expansion, which enables more effective imaging inside the body more prudently than traditional elastography.
  • The technique of Passive Elastography is used in detecting cancer in the deep organs of the body such as prostate or liver, for well protected organs such as the brain, and for fragile organs such as the eye.
  • Shear waves, which passes through any medium, are produced when an object becomes distorted by heavy pressure such as during an earthquake or explosion.
  • In order to measure the hardness of the tissue in medical science, shear waves are produced by vibration equipment.
  • A cancerous tumor or tissue displays much hardness compared to healthy tissues or benign tumors. This difference in hardness cannot be seen or experienced through traditional methods or other imaging methods.
  • Shear waves are difficult to produce in the internal organs such as in the deep liver in the body behind the Ribcage.
  • Scientists have developed a new approach to this solution, in which the noise of biologically generated natural shear waves is analyzed.
  • This technique works on shear waves naturally present in the human body due to muscles activities to construct a shear elasticity map of soft tissues.
  • Thus, it is called Passive Electrography.

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