Module Carrier Rocket Crashed into the Indian Ocean

Module Carrier Rocket Crashed into the Indian Ocean

Question: On 09 May 2021; the remains of a module carrier rocket of which of the following country crashed into the Indian Ocean?
a) India
b) Japan
c) China
d) Australia
Answer: (c)
Related Facts:-

  • On 09 May 2021; the remains of a Chinese rocket crashed into the Indian Ocean.
  • Much of the debris burned up during the re-entry into the earth’s atmosphere.
  • It was the last stage of the Long March-5B Y2 carrier rocket which re-entered the atmosphere at 10.24 a.m. (Beijing Time), on 09 May 2021.
  • Xinhua news agency reported that the vast majority of the device burned up during the re-entry.
  • The rest of the debris fell into a sea area with the centre at 2.65 degrees north latitude and 72.47 degrees east longitude.
  • It should be known that the Long March-5B Y2 rocket, carrying the Tianhe module, the first and core module for the construction of China’s space station.
  • Long March-5B Y2 rocket was launched from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site on the coast of the southern island province of Hainan on 29 April 2021.
