Google Cloud to Provide Internet services

Google Cloud to Provide Internet services

Question: Recently Google Cloud joined hand with which of the following space organization to provide Internet services?
b) SpaceX
d) None of these
Answer: (b)
Related Facts:-

  • On 13 may 2021 Google announced that Google Cloud and SpaceX signed an agreement to provide Internet services.
  • Under the deal, Elon Musk’s space development company will install Starlink ground stations at Google data centres that connect to Starlink satellites.

Google will provide Cloud infrastructure for this connection project.

  • On the other hand Space X will install ground terminals in Google’s cloud data center to connect to Starlink satellites.
  • This will help provide fast Internet services in rural areas.
  • This service will be available to customers before the end of the year 2021.

The first Starlink terminal will be set up in a Google datacenter in Ohio, United States.

  • Earlier, Microsoft has signed a comparable settlement with SpaceX to connect its Azure cloud to Starlink.
  • Starlink is a mission below which SpaceX ambitions to send 12,000 satellites to grant space-based internet.
