Katley as the State Fish

Katley as the State Fish

Question: which of the following state in India, has declared locally named Katley as the State fish?
a) Sikkim
b) Assam
c) Himachal Pradesh
d) Arunachal Pradesh
Answer: (a)
Related Facts:-

  • The Sikkim government has declared ‘Copper Mahseer’ locally named ‘Katley’ as the State fish.
  • According to the Fisheries department in the State Katley is the local name of the fish which is botanically known as Neolissochilus hexagonolepis.
  • This fish is also commonly known as Copper Mahseer is found in varied altitudes covering entire state predominantly confined in Teesta and Rangit rivers and their tributaries.
  • To highlight the importance of this fish and to give emphasis to its conservation measures, it has declared as state fish by the Sikkim government.
  • The fish has high market value and is highly preferred by the public in the State.

By – Rajesh Tripathi
