Discovery of 2-D Magnet

Scientists discover a 2-D magnet

Question: Researchers from which of the following countries have discovered 2D magnet?
(a) America
(b) China
(c) Germany
(d) France
Ans: (a)
Related facts:-

  • According to paper published on 7 June in science journal Nature, researchers of University of Washington and Massachusetts Institute of Technology discovered the first single-layer 2-D magnetic properties in the world.
  • This 2D magnet is made up of a compound named Chromium Triiodide ( CrI3 ).
  • Pablo Jarillo-Herrero, a condensed-matter physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, and Xiaodong Xu, an optoelectronics researcher at the University of Washington in Seattle have succeeded in this discovery.
  • The 2-D magnet can pave the way for more organized and effective tools.

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