RIL among top 6 oil production companies

RIL among top 6 oil production companies

Question: Which of the following company has been listed in top 10 companies in oil Read more

15-point reform charter for a new political concept

Question: 15-point reform charter for a new political concept introduced by which of the following? Read more

PM Modi inaugurates two-day Global investors’ summit at Dharamshala

Question: Global Investors summit took place in which of the following city? (a) Dharamshala (b) Read more

5th India International Science Festival

Question: Consider the following statement: (1) 5th India International Science Festival was organised at Kolkata Read more

National Waterway -2

Question: National Waterway -2 is between which of the following country? (a) India-Bangladesh (b) India-Nepal Read more

Expert committee formed to review draft of Sports Governance Code 2017

Question: A 13-member expert committee to review the Draft National Code for Good Governance in Read more

Jal Jeevan Mission

Question: Consider the following statement Jal Jeevan Mission: (1) The chief objective of the Mission Read more

India International Science Festival (IISF)2019

India International Science Festival

Question: Fifth India International Science Festival was organized in which city? (a) Delhi (b) Mumbai Read more

IFFI 2019 to screen three films for differently-abled

Question: On November 08, 2019 at the golden Jublee International Film Festival of India (IFFI) Read more

Writer Aatish Taseer loses OCI status

Question: Consider the following statement: 1) OCI status to a foreign citizen of Indian origin Read more