World Rhino Day 2019

Question: The World Rhino Day is celebrated every year on-
(a) September 11
(b) September 22
(c) October 22
(d) August 22
Answer: (b)
Related facts:

  • On September 22, 2019 World Rhino Day was observed in various wild life sanctuaries related to the conservation of rhinoceros species in the world.
  • The purpose of celebration of this day is mainly focused upon world’s five rhinoceros species, and to reflect on the challenges faced by them.
  • It is an international ecological observance to raise awareness on the protection of 5 existing species of rhinoceros.
  • It was first observed in 2010 by WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) South Africa.
  • On this occasion Rohit Sharma had launched “Rohit4Rhinos campaign” in partnership with WWF India and Animal Planet (wildlife channel) to spread awareness about the need for conservation of one-horned rhinos.


  • There are five species of rhino, white rhino, black rhino, Indian rhino, Javan rhino, and Sumatran rhino that still survive in the world today.
  • Two of the species come from Africa and three from Asia but all of them have one thing in common their very existence in our world is under threat, thanks mainly to a massive increase in poaching.

Facts common to all species of rhino:

  • Rhino horn is made of keratin, the same substance that makes up human hair and fingernails.
  • The collective term for a group of rhinos is a ‘crash’ of rhinos.
  • All rhinos are herbivores (meaning they do not eat meat).
  • All species of rhino can weigh over a tone.
  • All 5 species of rhino have an excellent sense of hearing and smell but very poor sight.
