World Contraception Day

World Contraception Day

Question: World Contraception Day is observed on-
(a) 26 September
(b) 23 September
(c) 21 September
(d) 24 September
Answer: (a)
Related Facts:

  • World Contraception Day is observed on 26 September every year to improve awareness of all contraceptive methods available and Information enrichment enables young people to make informed choices about their sexual and reproductive health.
  • This day was established in the year 2007.
  • The theme for the year 2018 is “Contraception: It’s your life, it’s your responsibility”.

  • World Contraception Day is supported by a coalition of 17 international Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), governmental organizations and scientific and medical societies with an interest in sexual and reproductive health and is sponsored by Bayer AG.
