WHO announced that Measles and rubella have been eradicated from Sri Lanka and the Maldives

WHO announced that Measles and rubella have been eradicated from Sri Lanka and the Maldives

Question:Consider the following with respect to Measles and Rubella:
(1) Measles is caused by Rubeola virus and Rubella is caused by Rubella virus.
(2) Maldives and Indonesia became first two countries in WHO South-East Asia Region to achieve measles and rubella elimination.
Which is/are correct?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) None of these
Answer : (a)


  • The World Health Organization (WHO) announced that Measles and rubella have been eradicated from Sri Lanka and the Maldives.


  • With this, Maldives and Sri Lanka became the first two countries in WHO South-East Asia Region to achieve measles and rubella elimination ahead of the 2023 target.

  • A country is verified as having eliminated measles and rubella when there is no evidence of endemic transmission of the measles and rubella viruses for overthree years in the presence of a well performing surveillance system.

  • In September 2019, member countries of WHO South-East Asia Region set 2023 as target for elimination of measles and rubella, revising the goal of the flagship programme that since 2014 had focused on measles elimination and rubella control.


  • Criteria: A country is verified as having eliminated measles and rubella when there is no evidence of endemic transmission of the respective viruses for over three years in the presence of a well-performing surveillance system.
  • Other Countries:
    • Bhutan, DPR Korea and Timor-Leste are countries in the region which have eliminated measles.

Related Facts:

  • WHO SEAR: It has 11 member countries- Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Bhutan, DPR Korea, Myanmar, Maldives and Timor-Leste.
  • Measles and Rubella(German measles): Theyare a contagious viral diseases that spreads by contact with an infected person through coughing and sneezing.Both of them can be entirely prevented with a two-dose of MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) vaccine.
  • Difference between Measles and Rubella:
    • Measles is caused by Rubeola virus and Rubella is caused by Rubella virus.
    • Rubella causes a milder illness than measles but it is of particular concern because if a pregnant woman becomes infected, the virus can cause severe birth defects known as Congenital Rubella Syndrome(CRS).

