The Moon’s top layer alone has enough oxygen to sustain 8 billion people for 100,000 years

The Moon's top layer alone has enough oxygen to sustain 8 billion people for 100,000 years

Question: Revolution time of Moon around Earth is:
a) 27.3 days.
b) 28 days.
c) 29.5 days.
Ans: a
Related Facts:

  • According to a report by the Australian website The Conversation, the top layer of rocks on the Moon, called regolith, is made up of approximately 45 per cent oxygen.
  • The report, published on November 10 2021, said there is plenty of oxygen on the Moon, which is the Earth’s only natural satellite.
  • In October this year, the Australian Space Agency signed a deal with NASA to send a rover to the Moon to collect lunar rocks that could provide breathable oxygen.
  • The report has suggested that Electrolysis technique can be used to extract oxygen from silica, aluminium, iron and other minerals found on the Moon.
