Politico Power List 2018: Indian Democratic lawmaker from Washington

Politico power list 2018

Question: Recently, which of the following American women MPs of Indian origin has been included in the first Politico Power List of 2018?
(a) Tulsi Gabbard
(b) Asha Khemka
(c) Preet Didbal
(d) Pramila Jaipal
Answer: (d) 
Related Facts:

  • In the first Politico power list of the year 2018 released in December 2018, Pramila Jayapal, American woman MP of Indian origin has been included.
  • This place has been given to her to lead the ‘opposition’ in the House.
  • Pramila Jayapal got fifth place among 18 people in the Power List.
