MoU between NTRI & BAJSS

Question : NTRI and BAJSS recently signed an MoU. Accordingly, which of the following statement/s is/are correct ?
Statement —

  1. NTRI stands for – National Tribal Research Institute
  2. BAJSS stands for – Bhartiya Adim JanJati Seva Sangathan
  3. MoU signed on 21st February 2022
  4. Purpose – to establish NTRI as resource center of BAJSS
    Options —
    a. Only 1. & 2.
    b. Only 2. & 3.
    c. Only 1.,2. & 3.
    d. All of the above
    Ans. c.
    Related facts —
  • NTRI and BAJSS signed an MoU on 21st February 2022.
  • Key points —
  1. NTRI stands for – National Tribal Research Institute
  2. NTRI, New Delhi, under the mentorship of TRI Uttarakhand, signed MoU with the Bharatiya Adim Janajati Seva Sangathan(BAJSS), New Delhi
  3. Purpose – to establish NTRI as resource center of BAJSS
  4. Purpose – to preserve, protect and digitize rare books on tribals and renovation and digitization of the tribal Museum
  5. Purpose – Establishing a Digital Library with a repository of rare books and creating a Resource Centre at NTRI, New Delhi
