“Kahin Bhi-Kabhi Bhi” Medical services

Kahin Bhi-Kabhi Bhi” Medical services

Question: “Kahin Bhi-Kabhi Bhi” Medical service is provided to …
(a) ESIC beneficiaries
(b) all government employees
(c) all private sector workers
(d) farmers
Ans: (a)

  • Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) has launched the “Kahin Bhi-Kabhi Bhi” medical services for ESIC beneficiaries of Delhi/Noida on a pilot basis w.e.f 1st November, 2016.
  • Under this scheme Insured Persons and their families may seek primary medical care services including consultation and medicines, for common/routine ailments from any of the ESI dispensary in Delhi/Noida.
  • Also patient may be referred from any ESIC dispensary to any ESIC Hospitals in Delhi/Noida for secondary care.
  • ESI Corporation intends to extend such medical services in other parts of the country depending on the outcome of above pilot project.
