Justin Trudeau to remain Canada PM

Justin Trudeau to remain Canada PM

Question: Name the Prime Minister of Canada who has won the 3rd tenure after winning general election?
(a) Pierre Trudeau
(b) Boris Jhonson
(c) Stephen Harper
(d) Justin Trudeau
Answer: (d)
Related Facts:

  • Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has won the third term to serve as the PM.
  • Trudeau is the second-youngest prime minister in Canadian history after Joe Clark.
  • The Liberal Party was leading or elected in 158 seats — one more than they won 2019, and 12 short of the 170 needed for a majority in the House of Commons.
  • The Capital of Canada is Ottawa.


Reference: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/rest-of-world/trudeau-to-remain-canada-pm-but-without-a-stronger-mandate/articleshow/86414661.cms.