Indian IFS officer K Nagaraj Naidu named to lead UN bureaucracy for a year

Indian IFS officer K Nagaraj Naidu named to lead UN bureaucracy for a year

Question- Who is appointed as the Chef du cabinet of 76th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA)?
(a) K Nagaraj Naidu
(b) Vikas Swaroop
(c) Arvind kumar
(d) Kamlesh Sharma
Ans. (a)
Related facts-

  • Indian Foreign Service (IFS) officer K Nagaraj Naidu was named chef de cabinet on June 9, 2021 by the incoming UN general assembly president, Maldivian foreign minister Abdulla Shahid, for the duration of his one-year tenure.
  • Naidu is India’s deputy permanent representative to the UN, and he will be on loan from the Indian government to the United Nations for a position that is comparable to the Indian prime minister’s principal secretary, who oversees the cabinet bureaucracy also something like the chief of staff to the US president.
  • Naidu will probably be the first Indian diplomat to be named to this position, and as such, his appointment bears testimony to India’s growing influence in the world body.

By- Yogesh Pratap Singh
