EChO Network launched

Question: EChO Network, which has been launched recently, is a national program to provide a template for
(a) Education
(b) Trade
(c) Cross disciplinary leadership
(d) None of the above
Answer: (c)
Related facts:
  • EChO Network, a national program to provide a template for cross-disciplinary leadership in India with the specific focus of increasing research, knowledge, and awareness of Indian ecology and the environment was launched on December 19 2019 in New Delhi by Prof. K VijayRaghavan, Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India.
  • India has recently embarked on a number of national-level efforts to promote ecological and environmental research on the subcontinent. There is a need to train a new generation of educators and students who can identify and solve problems in an interdisciplinary manner and who can listen to our natural world and tackle real-world problems in medicine, agriculture, ecology, and technology.
  • India faces unprecedented threats to its human environmental and ecosystems, solving which requires a confluence of India’s strong technological expertise and knowledge of the natural world itself.
  • EChO Network would develop a national network to catalyse a new generation of Indians who can synthesize interdisciplinary concepts and tackle real-world problems in medicine, agriculture, ecology, and technology. EChO Network establishes a new platform to change how science is embedded in our modern society.
  • Through interactive sessions with citizens, industry, academia, and the government, the Network will identify gaps in knowledge regarding selected topics in human and environmental ecosystems.
  • The program will then train postdoctoral leaders in research and outreach on these topics, while also incorporating current public and private efforts into a national network.
