Dario Fo passed away

Dario Fo passed away

Question: ‘The Accidental Death of an Anarchist’ was written by… .
a) Dario Fo
b) Harold Pinter
c) Edward Said
d) None of the above.
Ans :(a)
Related facts:

  • Nobel prize-winning Italian playwright, director and political activist Dario Fo has died aged 90 on 13th October, 2016.
  • He was famous for his political satire in plays such as ‘The Accidental Death of an Anarchist’. Mr. Fo won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1997.
  • The Accidental Death of an Anarchist”, which brought him international fame, was based on the true story of a railway worker who fell to his death from the fourth floor of a Milan police station where he was being interrogated.
  • His subversive humor won him a distinctive status, but also saw him periodically hounded off the stage and television in an attempt by the Italian establishment to muzzle him. He was barred from entering the United States in the early 1980s.
  • Mr. Fo wrote more than 80 plays, many of them in collaboration with his wife, Franca Rame
  • Through his works and activism Dario Fo always stood by reason and for cause of equality and dignity for all.
