Chilika Development Authority annual survey

Question : Chilika Lake now(Jan – Feb, 2022) has __ of India’s seagrass area.
Fill in the blank with appropriate option —

a. 33%
b. 35%
c. 31%
d. 30%
Ans. a.
Related facts —

  • CDA’s annual survey results released recently.
  • Here CDA stands for — Chilika Development Authority .
  • It is the regulating authority of Chilika — the largest brackish water lake in South Asia
  • Key points —
  1. During the monitoring of Chilika Lake, five species of seagrass were reported.
  2. Sea-grass species — Holodule uninervis, Holodule pinifolia, Halophila ovalis, Halophila ovata, and Halophila beccarii
  3. The seagrass vegetation was found over an area of 172 sq km(an increase from 169 sq km of last year).
  4. These ecosystems have brought cheer against the declining trend throughout the world and now Chilika has 33% of India’s seagrass area.
  5. This acts as a carbon sink and facilitates in climate resilience of the Chilika eco-system.
  6. Seagrasses play a vital role in water purification through blue carbon sequestration and keep the carbon buried in their sediments.
  7. Sea-grasses are one of the bio-indicators of the good health of an ecosystem and their luxuriant growth indicates that water clarity, salinity regime, and nutrient conditions are in their optimal range.
  8. Lake has been maintaining around 150 steady population endangered Irrawaddy dolphins.
  9. Irrawaddy dolphin is the flagship species inhabiting Chilika Lake.
