CAC adopts universal standards for three spices

CAC adopts universal standards for three spices

Question:- Recently the CAC adopted universal standard for three types of which of the following spices ….
(a) pepper
(b) cumin seeds
(c) aniseeds
(d) bay leaf
Answer:- (a)
Related facts:-

  • On 26 July 2017, Global food standard body Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) adopted universal standards for three spices – black, white and green pepper.
  • In a meeting in Geneva last week, the CAC adopted three Codex standards for these spices.
  • The Codex standards ensure that food is safe and can be traded in global markets.
  • Adoption of Codex standards for the spices will facilitate evolving a common standardisation process for their global trade and availability.
  • This move will help India in promoting trade of these commodities.
  • Spices Board India submitted to CAC a proposal for such an exclusive committee for spices and culinary herbs.
