Book: Mr. Prime Minister, We Shrank the Dragon

Book Mr. Prime Minister, We Shrank the Dragon

Question: Recently a book has been released with the name, Mr. Prime Minister; We Shrank the Dragon written by—
a) Vikram Seth
b) General V.P Malik
c) Rajnath singh
d) Pradeep Goorha
Answer: (d)
Related Facts: –

  • Recently a book named as Mr. Prime Minister, We Shrank the Dragon was released. It has been written by the author Pradeep Goorha.
  • The book, though fiction, is inspired by reality revolving around the currently developing story on India’s northern borders.
  • It also raises perennially neglected issues like Pakistan’s illegal occupation of PoK, Gilgit-Baltistan.
  • The book tries to find the ways, how these could be solved at this opportune time.
  • Goorha has attempted at providing that solution. Befriending Iran at an altogether different level is central to the approach.
  • Through his, work Goorha hopes to introduce the readers to believe that no problem is as intractable as it may appear.
  • About the Author :-
  • Pradeep Goorha is an alumnus of IIT Roorkee and Clemson University, SC, USA.
  • He worked as consultant for international organizations, e.g. the London-based Commonwealth Secretariat.
  • Here he carried out macro and micro industrialization assignments in several developing countries including Tanzania in East Africa and Vanuatu in Oceania.
  • He has been a columnist for Business World Online where he regularly contributed with his articles on Management.
  • Lately, he then channelized his writing interest to fiction.
  • Goorha’s first historical fiction novel, “Survival Redux” was published in the United States in 2016.

By – Rajesh Tripathi
