Bioluminescent Mushroom

Question: In which of the following state the researchers have discovered a species of bioluminescent mushroom?
a) Assam
b) Karnataka
c) Kerala
d) Meghalaya
Answer: (d)
Related Facts:-

  • Researchers have discovered a very peculiar mushroom in the forests of Meghalaya, which has bio-luminescence.
  • This mushroom shines at night.
  • Scientists have named it Roridomyces phyllostachydis.
  • Research study regarding the discovery of this new mushroom species recently published in the journal Phytotaxa.
  • During the day, it looks like any ordinary mushroom, but as soon as it becomes dark, it starts emitting blue-green light.
  • And it can be recognized even from a distance. Locals call it electric mushroom.
  • The mushroom was discovered by an NGO from Assam and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
  • Together they were working on fungal biodiversity in the four northeastern states – Meghalaya, Assam, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh.
  • During the working upon the project, they asked the locals who heard about the electric mushroom.
  • Researchers then following the tips provided by the locals, searched for it in the jungles of Jantia Hills and Khasi Hills in Meghalaya.
  • A total of 96 mushrooms with bioluminescent characteristics have been seen all over the world till now and this variety of Meghalaya is the 97th variety.
  • They are usually found in the marine environment, but many varieties are also found on land.
  • The color of the light will be like; it depends on the chemical composition inside the fungus or mushroom.
  • In Meghalaya, these mushrooms grow near the roots of a bamboo plant in bamboo forests.
  • A scientist involved in the research said that a particular type of enzyme luciferase is found in mushrooms, which is responsible for this light.
  • In the case of the mushroom of Meghalaya, they work in such a way that the enzyme luciferase found in it reacts in the presence of oxygen.
  • During this chemical reaction there is production many compounds, which shine as green-blue light in the dark.
  • At the same time, according to the scientist Rajesh Kumar of Rain Forest Research Institute, Jorhat, there can be many reasons for glow in the mushroom..
  • One reason, may it also be that due to the bioluminescent nature of mushrooms, insects and insects get attracted, which in turn help in scattering their segments in vast area.
  • Or it can also be due to the defense system of mushrooms to avoid pest eating insects.

By -Rajesh Tripathi
