India’s first plant to produce diesel from plastic waste

Question: In which city, India’s first plastic to diesel conversion plant has been established? (a) Read more

Singapore tops new ‘citizen-centric’ global smart city index

Singapore tops new

Question: In the released IMD Smart City Index, 2019, which city was ranked top among Read more

Indian Navy gets second Scorpene Submarine: KHANDERI

Question: Second Scorpene class Submarine Khanderi, which has recently been received by Indian Navy, is Read more

Indus Valley settlers had a distinct genetic lineage

Question: Rakhigarhi, the place of the Harappan cemetery, is located in- (a) Haryana (b) Punjab Read more

International conference on Augmenting Nature by Green Affordable New-habitat (ANGAN)

Question: In which of the following city International conference on Augmenting Nature by Green Affordable Read more