17 New Planets

17 New Planets

Question: KIC-7340288 b is the name given to which celestial body?
(a) Star
(b) Jupiter like gaseous planet
(c) Rocky earth like planet
(d) Comet
Answer: (c)
Related facts:

  • University of British Columbia astronomy student Michelle Kunimoto has discovered 17 new planets including an earth like solid planet. The new finding, published in The Astronomical Journal
  • She achieved this feat by combing through data gathered by NASA’s Kepler mission.
  • Officially this planet has been named as KIC-7340288 b, 1.5 times bigger than Earth, this planet is potentially habitable.
  • This planet is 1000 light-years away from the Earth. It has a year that is 142.5 days long.
  • Over its original four-year mission, the Kepler satellite looked for planets, especially those that lie in the Habitable Zones of their stars.
  • Scientists believe if a planet lies in the habitable zone of a star then there is a greater possibility that liquid water could exist on a rocky planet’s surface.
  • Michelle Kunimoto is a Ph.D. candidate in the department of physics and astronomy.
  • There have only been 15 small, confirmed planets in the Habitable Zone found in Kepler data so far.
  • This planet is orbiting its star at 0.444 Astronomical Units (AU, the distance between Earth and our Sun) – just bigger than Mercury’s orbit in our Solar System. It gets about a third of the light Earth gets from the Sun.
  • Of the other 16 new planets discovered, the smallest is only two-thirds the size of Earth and other planets are up to eight times the size of Earth.
  • Kunimoto used the transit method to look for the planets among the roughly 200,000 stars observed by the Kepler mission.

Transit method:

  • Every time a planet passes in front of a star, the event known as transit.
  • At the time of transit a planet blocks a portion of that star’s light and causes a temporary decrease in the star’s brightness.
  • On finding these dips, known as transits, one can start to piece together information about the planet, such as its size and how long it takes to orbit.
