107-year-old Japanese sisters confirmed as world’s oldest identical twins

107-year-old Japanese sisters confirmed as world’s oldest identical twins

Question: Umeno Sumiyama and Koume Kodama have been confirmed as the oldest identical twins living, From which of the following country do they belong?
(a) China
(b) Japan
(c) Indonesia
(d) Thailand
Answer: (b)
Related Facts:

  • Umeno Sumiyama and Koume Kodama (Japan) have been confirmed as the oldest identical twins living (female) and the oldest identical twins ever (female) at 107 years.
  • Umeno and Koume were born on 5th November 1913 on Shodo Island, Kagawa prefecture, Japan.
  • They have broken Kin and Gin’s record who were not only the previous record holders for the oldest identical twins living, but also a household name in Japan.


Reference: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/107-year-old-japanese-twins-certified-as-worlds-oldest/2021/09/20/dc2efcae-1a0f-11ec-bea8-308ea134594f_story.html