World’s Smallest Surgical Robot

Smallest surgical robot in the world

Question: UK scientists have recently developed the world’s smallest robot capable of doing surgery. The name of this surgical robot is-
(a) Aweism-o
(b) Sergius
(c) Versus
(d) Ed-209
Answer: (c)
Related Facts:

  • According to reports, British scientists have developed the world’s smallest surgical robot which could transform everyday operations for tens of thousands of patients (20-21 August 2017).
  • A team of 100 scientists and engineers have used low-cost technology originally developed for mobile phones and space industries to create the first robotic arm specifically designed to carry out keyhole surgery.
  • The surgical robot is named Versus.
  • This robot can be used to carry out a wide range of laparoscopic procedures – including hernia repairs, colorectal operations, and prostate and ear, nose and throat surgery – in which a series of small incisions are made to circumvent the need for traditional open surgery.
  • According to Cambridge medical robotics, the robot is controlled by a surgeon at a console guided by a 3D screen in the operating theatre.
