Toshiki Kaifu, Former Japanese Prime Minister passes away at the age of 91

Toshiki Kaifu, Former Japanese Prime Minister passes away at the age of 91

Question: Toshiki Kaifu passed away at the age of 91. He was the former Prime Minister of –
(a) China
(b) South Korea
(c) Japan
(d) Indonesia
Answer: (c)
Related Facts:

  • The former Prime Minister of Japan, Toshiki Kaifu passed away at the age of 91 years in Japan.
  • He served as the PM from 1989 to 1991.
  • He is known for sending the Maritime Self-Defense Force to the Persian Gulf in 1991.
  • Kaifu who was born on January 2, 1931, in Nagoya City, began his political career as a lawmaker secretary.
  • Kaifu was elected after Prime Minister Sosuke Uno, lost an election due to an extramarital affair.

