Renewable Energy production Tripled

Renewable Energy production Tripled

Question: Which among the following countries has tripled its renewable energy production?
(a) China
(b) Norway
(c) Ukraine
(d) Japan
Answer: (c)
Related facts:

  • European country Ukraine has tripled its renewable energy production over the last year. Many of its new power plants run on bio-fuels. One of these plants is Koriukivka in Chernihiv region.
  • Build in 2016, this power plant used wood chips as bio-fuel, approximately 140 tons of this fuel is used each day.
  • The wood chips are produced from logs and waste from local woodworking industry. These are accumulated and crushed by a machine to get chips that suitable for burning and generating electricity.
  • This power plant generates around 20 million kilowatt-hours of energy per year, allowing it to supply electricity to 3.5 thousand apartments.
