Pangolins are under threat of extinction

Pangolins are under threat of extinction
Question: Name the place where illegal hunting incidents for Pangolins have been reported recently due to which the species is under threat for extinction.
(a) Pakistan
(b) Bhutan
(c) Sri Lanka
(d) Iraq
Answer: (a)
Related facts:
  • As per report dated 2nd May, 2019, Indian Pangolin is currently under threat in Pakistan because of extensive illegal hunting for its scales, which are illegally exported to China to be used for traditional medicine. 
  • The scaly anteater, or Indian Pangolin, is a rare secretive mammal that lives on a diet of ants and termites, thus playing a vital role in the ecosystem.
  • Pangolins are highly trafficked creatures. There are eight species of pangolins, and they are all protected by national and international laws. They are facing the threat of extinction.
  • Pangolins look like reptiles, but they are mammals with a unique feature. They are the only known mammals to have large, keratin scales covering their skin used by them for protection. 
  • Eight species of Pangolins are as follows:
  • Asian Pangolin Species: Chinese or Formosan pangolin – Critically Endangered; Malayan or Sunda pangolin – Critically Endangered; Indian or thick-tailed pangolin – Endangered; Palawan or Philippine pangolin – Endangered:
  • African Pangolin Species: Tree or African white-bellied pangolin – Vulnerable; Giant ground pangolin – Vulnerable; Cape or Temminck’s ground pangolin – Vulnerable; Long-tailed or black-bellied pangolin – Vulnerable:
  • Pangolin scales have been used for endless applications, in particular as an ingredient in traditional Asian medicine to purportedly treat a variety of ailments.
  • In 2016 CITES listed all eight species of pangolin in Appendix I, granting pangolins the strictest form of protection and banning all international commercial trade.
  • Following the publication of Scaling up Pangolin Conservation (the first ever global conservation strategy for pangolins) in 2014, a number of pangolin range states have demonstrated leadership by developing national strategies for the species, and through the IUCN SSC Pangolin Specialist Group.
  • Examples include Singapore, Taiwan (P.R China) and the Philippines among others.

                                                                                                          Abhinav Mishra
