Materials to produce energy from water

Materials to produce energy from water png

Question: Researchers of which of the following IITs have recently developed materials to produce energy from water on a small scale?
(a) IIT Hyderabad
(b) IIT Mumbai
(c) IIT Madras
(d) IIT Guwahati
Answer: (d)
Related facts:

  • On 30th December 2019, IIT Guwahati researchers developed materials to produce energy from water.
  • In this way energy can be produced on a small scale but it can work well as decentralized sources of energy for the individual households.
  • The findings were recently published in ACS Applied Nanomaterials.
  • The research was conducted by Raidongia along with other scholars from the institute namely Jumi Deka, Kundan Saha and others.

Mechanism Used to produce energy: –

  • A nanoscale phenomenon which is called Electrokinetic streaming potential is being used by the researchers of IIT-G, to harvest energy from flowing water.
  • Various types of semiconducting materials are also used to produce power from stagnant water.
