Joshua Wong

Question: Recently Joshua Wong’s name came into limelight, who is he?
(a) Chinese biologist
(b) South Korean badminton player
(c) Leading Hong Kong democracy activist
(d) North Korean missile expert
Answer: (c)
Related facts:

  • On 30th August, 2019 leading Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong was arrested by the Hong Kong police on charges of organizing illegal protest. His pro-democracy group is Demosisto.
  • Mr. Wong is the most prominent activist to be arrested since protests escalated in mid-June over fears China is exerting greater control over the city.
  • China termed the pro-democracy protest illegal and they tighten a clampdown on unrest in the city.
  • It should be known that the Hong Kong, an Asian financial hub has plunged into its biggest political crisis in more than two decades.
  • Apart from Joshua Wong about 900 people have been arrested since the demonstrations began in June, 2019.

Root cause of unrest in Hong Kong:

  • Hong Kong’s identity crisis and resistance to China’s interference are at the heart of the civil unrest.
  • It should be known that Hong Kong was a British colony since 1841 and at midnight on June 30/July 1, 1997, the crown colony of Hong Kong officially reverted to Chinese sovereignty
  • With this handover, 156 years of British rule finally ended in Hong Kong but even today Pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong would like the region to remain different from other Chinese cities.
