Web-WonderWomen Campaign

Web wonder women

Question: Which of the following ministry/organization is responsible for the campaign ‘wonder women campaign’? (a) Read more

WAQF Properties for Social Empowerment

WAQF Properties for Social Empowerment

Question: Consider the following statement in reference to the campaign led by Central Government to Read more

Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction 2018

Question: During 3-6 July, 2018, where was the ‘ Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Read more

Planting campaign on river banks in Jharkhand

Question-In how many districts of Jharkhand, plantation drive is being undertaken on both sides of Read more

Awareness campaign with the support of railway on the protection of children

Question: Recently, Chairman of the Railway Board Ashwani Lohani and Chairman of the National Child Read more