Question: Where did the State Designated Agency (SDA) National Summit, 2018 be organized recently?
(a) Agra
(b) Lucknow
(c) Kanpur
Answer: (b)
Related Facts:
- During 8th-9th February, 2018, the State Designated Agency (SDA) National Summit, 2018 was organized in the hotel Hyatt, Lucknow.
- It was inaugurated by Uttar Pradesh Additional Power Resources Minister Brajesh Pathak.
- The summit was organized by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency and Indo-German Energy Program by the U.P. NEDA (Uttar Pradesh, New and Renewable Energy Development Agency).
- In this, a large number of SDA representatives, working for conservation of energy, participated from different states of the country.
- To increase the awareness and competitiveness of energy conservation in the industries / buildings of the state, , State Energy Conservation Awards were provided in total 11 sectors, including architects, banks, hotels and hospitals, in the year 2017.
- It is known that the Uttar Pradesh Government has set a target of 10,700 MW in the solar energy policy of 2017.
- This reduces the equivalent emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) absorbed by 6 crore 42 lakhs of trees.