Question: Consider the following statements:
(1) Diego, a Galapagos giant tortoise who lives on the island of Espanola, which is the southernmost in the Galapagos Archipelago.
(2) Diego belongs to the species Chelonoidis hoodensis.
Which of the following statement (s) is/are true?
(a) Only (1)
(b) Only (2)
(c) Both (1) and (2)
(d) None of the above
Answer : (c)
Related facts:
- On 12 January 2020, Diego,the giant tortoise is retiring after his high sex drive helped save his entire species.
- The Galapagos National Park announced the end of the breeding program, saying an evaluation showed it had met its conservation goals.
- Diego belongs to the species Chelonoidis hoodensis.
- Diego was among 14 male tortoises selected to take part in a breeding programme on Santa Cruz Island.
- The programme has been a success, producing more than 2,000 giant tortoises since it began in the 1960s.
- The 100-year-old tortoise has fathered hundreds of progeny, around 800 by some estimates.
- The programme has now finished and Diego will be returned to his native island of Espanola in March 2020.