Question: Army Day is being observed every year in India on which date?
(a) 12 January
(b) 13 January
(c) 14 January
(d) 15 January
Answer: (d)
Related Facts:
- Every year, 15 January is commemorated as “Army Day” to remember the occasion when General (later Field Marshal) KM Cariappa took over the command of the Indian Army from General Sir FRR Bucher, the last British Commander-in-Chief in 1949 and became the first Indian Commander-in-Chief of Independent India.
- The Indian Army’s theme for the year 2022, “In Stride with the Future”, is an acknowledgement of the increasingly critical role played by niche and disruptive technologies in modern warfare.
- The Indian Army confronts a plethora of security challenges, conventional and non-traditional, and is looking at Artificial Intelligence (AI), 5G, Robotics and Quantum Technology to find innovative solutions to these emerging challenges.