Question: Police in association of which of the following state recently organised the 14th Cyber Security Conference?
a) Maharashtra
b) Kerala
c) Punjab
d) Uttar Pradesh
Answer: (b)
Related Facts:-
- On 10 November 2021; Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat inaugurated the Cyber Security Conference.
- It was the 14th edition of ‘c0c0n’, an annual Hacking and Cyber Security Briefing, which will be held virtually from November 10-13.
- The conference was conducted by Kerala Police in association with two non-profit organisations.
- These NGOs are the Society for the Policing of Cyberspace (POLCYB) and Information Security Research Association (ISRA).
- The primary discussion at the conference was about online scams and defenses during the lockdown period.
- The conference held in such a way that online security is beneficial even to children in the state where many crimes are taking place with the shift to online classes.