World Coconut day

World Coconut day

Question: World Coconut day is celebrated on-
(a)2 September
(b) 4 September
(c) 20 September
(d) 24 September
Answer: (a)
Related facts:

  • World Coconut day is celebrated on 2 September every year to promote, coordinate and harmonize coconut developmental activities of the Asian Pacific region to achieve maximum economic development.
  • Asian Pacific Coconut Community (APCC) is an intergovernmental organization of 18 member countries that seeks to administer the coconut concerns.
  • The theme for the day in 2018 was: Coconut for Good Health, Wealth & Wellness.
  • The annual coconut production in India is 2437.80 crore and the productivity is 11616 coconuts per hectare. The crop contributes Rs 34,100 crore to GDP.
  • For the first time, India is exporting large quantities of dry coconut to US and European countries.
  • It has started exporting coconut oil to Malaysia, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka. Till last year, India used to import coconut oil from these countries.
