
Sweden commits record $370 million of aid to UN World Food Programme

Question: Recently Sweden and the United Nations World Food Programme signed a Strategic Partnership Agreement of worth-
(a) USD320 million
(b) USD 325 million
(c) USD 350 million
(d) USD 370 million
Answer: (d)
Related Facts:

  • On February 2nd, 2018, Sweden and the United Nations World Food Programme signed a Strategic Partnership Agreement of 370 million US dollar.
  • The contribution for the period 2018-2021 is the biggest ever made by a donor within a WFP Strategic Partnership Agreement.
  • Sweden is the largest donor country in the world food program.
  • 90 per cent of government funding to WFP (World Food Program) is earmarked for specific operations or activities.
  • Capital of Sweden is Stockholm and currency is Swedish Krona.
