Arpinder Singh

Arpinder Singh

Question: Arpinder Singh from India has won the gold medal of men’s triple jump event in Asian Games, 2018. Player from which of the following country, got the silver medal of this event?
(d)Sri Lanka
Ans: (a)
Related Facts:-

  • On 29th August, 2018, Arpinder Singh from India has won gold medal of men’s triple jump event Asian Games, 2018.
  • He made a jump of 77m.
  • He is the first man to won gold of this game after 48 years. Before this gold of this game was snatched by Mohinder Singh in 1970.
  • Ruslan Kurbanov of Uzbekistan got the silver medal in this event by jumping 62m and Shuo Cao of China remained at the third position with a jump of 16.56m in this triple jump event.

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