Amendment in Wakf Act

Uttar Pradesh cabinet approves amendment in the Waqf Act 2013

Question: Under which of the following sections of Wakf Act, 1995, as amended in 2013, there is a provision to form Wakf tribunal in Uttar Pradesh?
(a) Section-82
(b) Section-83
(c) Section-84
(d) Section-85
Answer: (b)
Related facts:

  • On August 22nd, 2017, the Uttar Pradesh cabinet approved an amendment to the Wakf Act.
  • Wakf tribunal formed in Rampur UP has been terminated with this approval.
  • The jurisdiction of the Rampur Tribunal has been merged into the jurisdiction of the tribunal at Lucknow.
  • The provision to be formed Wakf Tribunal in the state is provided under section 83 of the Wakf Act, 1995, as amended in 2013.
  • Under the aforesaid provisions, Wakf tribunals were set up in Lucknow and Rampur in March 2014.
